Goulet Aviation Services



What We Provide

An Experienced Aviation Advisor provides safety audits and operational assessments, for air service providers and their clients, that enable the company management to understand the health and efficiency of their Safety Management System. If your company does not have a SMS we can help you to install a modern proven system.

A Safety Management System is a businesslike approach to safety. It is a systematic, explicit and comprehensive process for managing safety risks. As with all management systems, a safety management system is woven into the fabric of the organization. It becomes such an intuitive part of the culture that it is the only way personnel know how to do their jobs. “Safety First” becomes an observable act and not simply a catch phrase.

A safety management system will provide an organization with the capacity to anticipate and address safety issues before they lead to an incident or accident. A safety management system also provides management with the ability to deal effectively with incidents or near misses so that valuable lessons are applied to improve safety and efficiency. The SMS approach reduces losses and improves productivity.

Service List

  • Gap Analysis on existing SMS or SOP's;
  • Baseline Safety Audit of Ongoing Operations;
  • Interviews with Management and Personnel to reveal attitudes and biases;
  • Recommendation of systems and programs to be implemented;
  • Recommendation of useful and effective software;
  • Training and Coaching of Management and Personnel;
  • Behavior Based Safety Management Seminars for managers and staff;
  • Follow up audits and reports to Management on progress of implementation.



Safety Management Services

For companies who are implementing or revising a Safety Management System an experienced Aviation Advisor is essential to help determine and manage the process and provide insight into the effectiveness of the system.